• 16 июня 2018, суббота
  • Москва, Impact Hub Moscow, Хохловский пер., 7-9, стр.2, вход 3

Women Startup Competition in Moscow, Semifinal Roadshow 2018

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Другие события организатора

2141 день назад
16 июня 2018 c 18:00 до 20:30
Impact Hub Moscow, Хохловский пер., 7-9, стр.2, вход 3

The regional Women Startup Competition in Moscow is a pitching event for startups, where the majority of founders are women. This competition is a great opportunity for local women-lead startups to express themselves, meet peers, gain invaluable experience and find investment.


The winner of the local competition in Moscow qualifies to go to London to participate in a 5-day training session, and pitch at the Final Demo Day event on September 15th, 2018.
This is your chance to meet other aspiring female entrepreneurs from around Europe, amazing mentors and well-known investors.

Deadline: 6th of June
Apply at: https://www.f6s.com/wscsemifinalroa...

Date of Pitching: 16th of June
Venue: Impact Hub Moscow
Participants: women-led teams from Russia
Main prize: participation in a 5-day long training session and in the Final Demo Day in London


Register for this event to visit the pitching semifinals as a guest. If you are a team who want to participate in the competition, please, register here: http://wscmoscow.strikingly.com/ 


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